Resmi Muhammadiyah Tetapkan 1 Ramadan 1446 H pada 1 Maret 2025, 1 Syawal pada 31 Maret

Ramadhan 1446

MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Muhammadiyah tetapkan 1 Ramadan 1446 H pada Sabtu, 1 Maret 2025, Idulfitri 1 Syawal pada Senin, 31 Maret 2025, 1 Zulhijah pada Rabu, 28 Mei 2025, dan Puasa Arafah 9 Zulhijah pada Kamis, 5 Juni 2025, serta Iduladha 10 Zulhijah 1446 H pada Jumat, 6 Juni 2025.

Kepastian informasi waktu-waktu penting umat Islam ini disampaikan oleh Sekretaris Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah, Muhammad Sayuti pada (12/2) melalui Konferensi Pers di Kantor PP Muhammadiyah, Jl. Cik Ditiro, No. 23, Kota Yogyakarta.

Turut hadir pada acara tersebut, Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir, Ketua PP Muhammadiyah Syamsul Anwar dan Agung Danarto, serta Sekretaris PP Muhammadiyah Muhammad Sayuti.

Penetapan tersebut dilakukan dengan berdasarkan hasil Hisab Wujudul Hilal. Lebih lanjut, Sayuti berharap Maklumat Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah tentang Hasil Hisab Ramadan, Syawal, dan Zulhijah 1446 Hijriyah agar dapat diikuti oleh warga Muhammadiyah. 

“Demikian maklumat ini disampaikan agar menjadi pedoman bagi warga Muhammadiyah dan dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya.” ujar Muhammad Sayuti.

Hasil Maklumat ini resmi ditandatangani oleh Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir, dan Sekretaris PP Muhammadiyah Muhammad Sayuti.

Sumber :


Hours delivered back to the business


SOX compliance in Settlement process automation


Success rate of bot case completion


For functional release of OBT, RTS and OGS

The Chalange

Following a period of rapid growth through acquisition, Paysafe were looking to achieve enterprise-wide operational efficiencies and alignment. In order to do this, they chose to focus firstly on their customer services, merchant operations, risk and compliance functions.

Paysafe’s fast-paced expansion had resulted in a lack of process consistency & standardisation across their acquired brands. The numerous manual and non-transparent processes at play were something Paysafe were keen to address.

Additionally, in the face of increasing industry regulation and compliance requirements, Paysafe were eager to stay ahead of the curve in responding to these changes, whilst also maintaining the relentless customer focus and agility that is at the core of their DNA.

What did
Tecnologia do

Paysafe & Tecnologia’s shared appreciation for the power of combining scale and global reach with flexibility and agility made our partnership an obvious choice. Tecnologia have been working with Paysafe since November 2020 in 2 key workstreams: Automation Delivery and Mobile Chatbot Migration, supporting the Paysafe Automation365 team specialising in Cognitive and Robotic Automation.

Automation Delivery – Tecnologia are working with the Paysafe Automation365 team to identify, design, build, test and deploy automated solutions using UiPath Automation Software. Thus far Tecnologia have delivered 28 Automations across 3 core business functions: Merchant Services, Consumer Services and Risk.

Mobile ChatBot Migration – Tecnologia led the migration of chatbots from a web browser platform to mobile platforms (Android and iOS). In addition to this, Tecnologia has implemented an intermediate communication layer to enable a seamless handoff between chatbot and live agent providers to win and support new deals.

The Results

The technology that we use to support Paysafe


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